lists lists, i love lists. music music, i love music. so i'm combining them. yippee! here's a list of my current favorite songs.
Like You'll Never See Me Again by Alicia Keys
i love the way the song begins... with this piano-music boxesque [yes i made up that word] sound. the whole song is a good balance of tenderness and soul. the music video is perfect. go watch it!
By Picadilly Station I Sat Down and Wept by Tracey Thorn
first thing i said to myself when i encountered this song -- so emo!. hahaha. i love tracey thorn's voice, and this is such a tracey thorn song, one that only she can sing. i dare not even sing along. i just sit back, imagine the scene and feel the pain she describes. it's like a movie.
Gravel Lines by Amy Seeley
piano piano piano. the song is very... fragile, delicate, beautiful. it causes everything to transform into a dramatic slow motion scene. yes, it has that effect on me. lol.
Summer Song by Wavorly
i just recently discovered Wavorly [thanks to hg]. their album beyond rawks, an interesting and eventful trip from beginning to end haha. this song stood out because it was both romantic and intense. and i'm a sucker for romance & intensity. haha.
Don't Talk About This Love by Nikola Rachelle
Nikola Rachelle is a very recent discovery for me. she's the sister of natasha bedingfield (unwritten) & daniel bedingfield (if you're not the one). major talent running through that family, goshers. i'm sure God said, "behold, the bedingfield children will have awesome vocal chords", and it came to be! hahaha. there's a hint of natasha in her voice, and yet it's still distinct. this song evokes a lot of emotion... too much at times, it's like a punch to the gut.
Your Cheating Heart by Jon Foreman (Switchfoot)
Jon Foreman is just plain cool in my book. i'm fascinated with people like him. haha. and his voice is quite unique. i'm a fan of his solo stuff. this isn't his original song obviously, but his raw and stripped down version has to be the best of all. well, if it were up to me that is. haha.

- Desiree Mijares
- portland metro, or, United States
- i wish an orchestra & someone with a boombox would follow me around so that my life would continuously be accompanied by a soundtrack.