a post from my myspace blog 2/16/07
i've lost wisdom... wisdom teeth. all 4 baby, and i was awake throughout the whole process. man oh man. you should've seen the tray of tools and teeth after... it was bloody. i was too delirious to take a picture, i should've. i felt the top two come off and it was strange. the bottom two, especially the one on the right were being stubborn. they came out in pieces. it was crazy. i had to ask to add more numbing stuff on the right side 'coz i was starting to feel the pinch deep within my jaw. not as painful as i had anticipated, but i wouldn't be rushing to have it done again. i dint feel the bottom come off, they had to announce it to me, "it's off girlfriend!". lol. what got me through is Jesus, my ipod, the arm rest which i was gripping hard, and my dentist walking me through the process [props to ate melodee!!!]. i'm glad i wasn't put to sleep, just really numb. i dint wanna be out... although it would've been nice not to hear the ZZZZZZZ sound of some sort of tool, smelling the... i donno what and i don't wanna think about it, and hearing things like, "blade please". AAHHH. i kept turning up my ipod so i wouldn't here it, but it was impossible to shut out everything. it did help somewhat. the bite stopper was annoying though. my jaw was exhausted after. i got a goody bag though with chocolate pudding, apple sauce, gauze, etc. lol.
so today i feel like kanye west in the "through the wire" video. feel like someone punched my jaw several times. the only thing that is sorta painful is my tongue... it's annoying when i swallow, and eating soup is even hard. i'm swollen and i've been watching talk shows. i want it to be over soon. yes kristy, i do look like a chipmunk, and no you're not getting a picture ;p which reminds me, i have to go ice my cheeks now. fun!
- Desiree Mijares
- portland metro, or, United States
- i wish an orchestra & someone with a boombox would follow me around so that my life would continuously be accompanied by a soundtrack.