[Spell your first name backwards]
+++> eerised
[The story behind your email add]:
+++> beeanki? hehe. kristy used to say my name, DESIREE BIANKI MIJARES... i combined bianki w/ bee. ha. i'm freakin' cool!
[Where do you live?]:
+++> hillsboroville a.k.a intelville
[3 words that sum you up]
+++> i'm soooo cool!
[Jewelry you wear daily]
+++> ring
[What you are wearing now]:
+++> boxers and a shizzert (like i said, i'm soooo cool)
[Some of your favorite movies]:
+++> i love watching WHAT A GIRL WANTS over and over. of corz, the undying TRILOGY. no not star wars... LOTR
[Something you're looking forward to]:
+++> meeting that special someone. darn it all... Lord, help me to be patient! i'm getting antsy here! lol.
[The last thing you ate?]:
+++> was it a taco? from the taqueria place. ooo mi encanta. (senor flesher, i was paying attention!)
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]:
+++> spiders, bugs, and reptiles
[Do you like candles]:
+++> hmmm, random, but sure. why not
[Do you believe in a thing called love]
+++> of course
[Do you believe in soul mates]:
+++> yes
[Do you believe in love at first sight]:
+++> do i believe in aliens?
[If you could have any animal for a pet]:
+++> a wittle doggy that never poos or pees.
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]:
+++> ok, what's the deal?!!! the filipino BROWN people have developed products to make their skin lighter, while the caucasians have tanning lotions? what has the world become!
[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?]:
+++> lots of people
+++> recently...
[Gotten sick:]
+++> last week
[Felt stupid:]
+++> um, yes? lol
[Hugged someone]:
+++> someone in church today, errr, yeah.
[Wanted to tell someone you loved them]:
+++> um, not recently
[Talked to an ex]:
+++> BLAH
[Talked to someone you have a crush on]:
+++> guys i'm crushin on are celebs... therefore i can't really talk to them just like that. lol. ow wait, i did meet jason perry, and i think i said to him, "b-i-a-n-c-a" when he asked me to spell my name out! woohoo.
[Fought with your parents]:
+++> don't recall. HA, i'm such a good girl
[Dreamed about someone you can't be with:
+++> jason perry. ROFL. ow and i had a dream about nelly. rofl. i found his earing and he thanked me for returning it, not stealing it like some crazed fan would do. i'm sooo cool!
[do you attend church/mosque/temple
+++> chuuuuch
[Do you like being around people:]
+++> shhuuuure. well, depends on my mood. lol. for the most part yes
[Who have you known the longest:]
+++> uh, the peeps from my family. i said peeps. man, i'm sooo cool!
[who do you argue the most with:]
+++> lol. i donno. i argue a lot.
[Who do you always get along with:]
+++> everyone, coz i'm soooo cool!

- Desiree Mijares
- portland metro, or, United States
- i wish an orchestra & someone with a boombox would follow me around so that my life would continuously be accompanied by a soundtrack.
taking a break... and filling out a SURBAY
right place, right time...
i found myself really encouraged tonight, and it was much needed. there's a reason why things are what they are, and instead of me complaining about the life or situation i'm placed in, i'm gonna learn to embrace it and use it to glorify the Lord. proverbs 23:17,18
this one's gonna be quick...
1. loooooong day. muy muy tired. but it was a good day.
2. i love my new TFK (thousand foot krutch) album. their first album digitally remastered and re-released. woohoo
3. backpacking through europe? just an idea. i think i'm gonna do that when i actually have money, and a boyfriend so he can come w/ me and whoever else wants to come so i don't get abducted or nething like that
4. food places are scarce around psu. sux!
5. battle of the sexes next week!!! that means more chris graebe for me =)
6. still have hw =(
7. i miss summer!
8. better and more detailed update coming up. haha, i hope.
i feel like throwin up mah RAWKFIST!!!
... coz i'm done with Assignment #1. woohoo. school's crazy daisy. i only have three classes but they're fully loaded. as in jam pack talaga! sobra sobra. i feel like i'm the only one having a hard time. sheesh. i'm still getting over my cold/cough. i'm feeling a lot of painful sinus pressure. not fun. i'm happy i don't have to go to school tomorrow. although that means i have to work on...
1. Assignment #2
2. CS 250
just friends
I saw you there last night
Standing in the dark
You were acting so in love
With your hand upon his heart
But you were just friends
At least that's what you said
Now I know better from his fingers in your hair
I forgive you for what you've done
If you say that I'm the one
I've had other options too
But all I want is you
Girl your body fits me like a glove
And you shower me with words of love
And you were just friends
At least that's what you said
Now I know better from his fingers in your hair
I forgive you for what you've done
If you say that I'm the one
It's not my style to lay it in on the line
But you don't leave me with a choice this time
Why weren't you true?
You know I trusted you
When you were just friends
At least that's what you said
Now I know better from his fingers in your hair
I forgive you for what you've done
If you say that I'm the one
You were just friends
At least that's what you said
Now I know better from his fingers in your hair
I forgive you for what you've done
If you say that I'm the one
I'll forgive you for what you've done
If you say that I'm the one
I'll forgive you for what you've done
If you say that I'm the one
I'll forgive you
[gavin degraw]
so sad... i'm not in this predicament or anything of that sort. lol. i like the song, and gavin degraw is cool =)
addt'l (8:27pm)
RAP MUSIC IS HAZARDOUS TO SPELLING AND GRAMAR! so i was typing up a paper on THE CHRISTMAS TRUCE OF 1914 (WW1) and one of the words i used in my paragraph was ludicrous and instead of typing that, i typed in LUDACRIS. sheesh. neways. back to your lives...
i miss being able to go out, kickit, chill, hang out, do whatever and no worry about having something due in a couple of days. sigh. i want my vacation back =(
volcanic erruption
st. helens eh. i think it's pretty cool... since right now nothing really is in harms way. right? i wish i could see it. maybe i should become a geologist instead? ha. or if this computer science thing fails, i'll move into geography. my professor told me i should switch majors. i think he just liked the papers i wrote about weather analysis, and reports on the differences in temperatures and climate in the coastal areas, the willamete valley, and the cascades. woohoo. i don't even remember what i wrote, but apparently it sounded pretty good. haha. that was some good bs-ing. man, i think i did a lot of bs-ing in frosh inquiry. altho half the time i think i really was enjoying that class. i think it's because my teachers actually liked my papers =) haha. that was a major change from ib english in hs. all i got were Bs. neways.
i woke up this morning, and my whole body was sore. that would be from the "intense" punching and kicking yesterday during cardio kickboxing. what can i say, i was "inspired". rofl. jk. well, maybe not. ha. on top of that, i've been coughing my lungs out. well, not really my lungs but stuff out... yuck i know. but it's a good thing coz then my chest is not "congested" anymore. i'm just glad i don't have a fever or nething.