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portland metro, or, United States
i wish an orchestra & someone with a boombox would follow me around so that my life would continuously be accompanied by a soundtrack.

i know it's a little late but...

in 2007...

1-Did you kiss anyone?

2-Did you date anyone?

3-Did you kiss someone when the ball dropped?
no. we just clinked our beer bottles and proceeded with playing Battle of the Sexes. and yes, us girls won, thus proving... need i say more?

4-Did you lose any friends?

5-Did you gain any friends?

6-Did you do something new?
traveled to the east coast! how about that! haha.

7-Did anyone important to you die?

8-Did you change?
i lost wisdom... i got all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out =\ oh and i changed from a college student to college graduate.

9-Are you happy with the year over all?
it seemed as if it flew by... but a lot of good and exciting things happened in '07

10-whats the best thing thats happened to you?
graduating from college, family visiting us and me visiting family, vacation!!!, seeing new york

12-Are you happy the years over?
i hate goodbyes and endings. haha. but it had to happen eventually no? so it's good to start a whole new year.

13-Are you going to change something about yourself next year?
i will try to drink more water daily

14-Do you think 2008 will be a better year than 2007?
i hope so

16-How many things did you screw up in 2007?
i'm sure there was a lot. but what can i do now? learn and move on!

17-Did you go to an amusement park?

18-Did you go to a concert?
Pillar! mind blowing

19-Did you go to any parties?

20-Did you go on a summer vacation?
i was still in school in the summer =\ but i did go to houston and new jersey at the end of august-beginning of september.

21-Did you lie to your parents?
i probably did

22-Did you get into a fight?
no fist fights

23-Did you leave the country?

24-Did you have a good birthday?
i remember going to the coast for the weekend, having a party at cheesecake factory - great stuff, but then i was sick.

25-Did anyone in your family get married?

26-Do you think you grew?
not taller

27-Did you dye your hair?

28-Who do you think you were on the phone with the most?
hg and/or kezia and/or my gramma

29-Did anyone sing to you?

30-Did you sing to anyone?

31-Did anyone tell you they loved you?

32-Did you ever go to the hospital?
to visit people

33-What did you drink and eat the most?
suuuuushi. oh and lots and lots of black tea lemonades

34- Did you change your top 8 more than 8 times?

35-Did you change your profile over 10 times?
probably not

36-Did you change your default at least 20 times?

37. Did you get a tattoo?
no, but i was at a tattoo shop with my cousin in atlantic city. it was scary to think that i was actually secretly considering getting one =O

38. Did you vote?

39-Did you make a new years resolution?

40-Did you stick to your new years resolution from last year?
i didn't make one

41. Think you'll date someone in 2008?
who knows.

42. where were you when the ball dropped?
ed's sister's house. no balls dropped there, only sarcasm, clever comebacks, and comedy.

43. Do you think you will make new friends in 2008?
it'd be nice

44. Are you hoping to meet someone special in 2008?
why not

45. How do you feel, another year has passed you by?